is it?
6 October 2004 - National Review Online
statements from Gary Gregg's article
seemed dreadfully inconsistent:
will really happen is that a vital state like Colorado that has
traditionally voted Republican but has an increasingly large minority
of Hispanic voters who help put the state in play, will become
irrelevant on the national scene. If the proposal passes, as polls
currently predict it will, the Centennial State will decrease
in value and be worth exactly one electoral vote, making it the
most unimportant electoral state in the union below even Wyoming
and Washington D.C. It will be worth only one vote because in
almost every election the Republican and Democrat will finish
in a fairly tight race with one getting five electoral votes and
the other party receiving four. Never again will Colorado be a
battleground for presidential candidates. Never again will any
major candidate care about winning the state and its one little
electoral vote that would come with victory.
Colorado does accept this proportional vote counting, we could
easily imagine a Ralph Nader or other fringe candidate deciding
to run a campaign only in the state of Colorado, bringing national
money and activists to the state in an effort to attract the backing
of the 11.11 percent of the vote needed to get one electoral vote.
In an election as close as the 2000 election, can you imagine
the power wielded by a third-party candidate who would control
the winning electoral-college vote? At best, having no candidate
achieving a majority of the electoral-college votes, the election
would be thrown into the House of Representatives. At worst, we
can imagine a corrupt bargain whereby the third-party candidate
with just one electoral vote, could extract some mighty favor
from whichever candidate he chose to have his elector vote.
is it? Is that one electoral vote so meaningless as to cause Democrats
and Republicans to never enter Colorado again, or is that one electoral
vote so important to both Republicans and Democrats that they would
barter "mighty favors" to what you call a "radical" third party
to keep it out of the hands of their competition?
are the two major parties so afraid of other parties gaining popular
support and influence? What dire national disaster would result
from a third party gaining an electoral vote or three? Can you at
least admit that the only thing that scares the two major parties
about a third party gaining an electoral vote is that the other
major party might win as a result? Not that it would make too big
a difference in the policy set by the Executive branch - the problem
with two broadly based and moderate political parties (your words)
is that "moderation" means different things to different people,
and the more moderate and broadly based the major parties get, the
more they morph into one party, both promoting big government and
promising goodies to the biggest voting blocks and ushering in socialism
- even if it's Republican-style National Socialism.
Jillette said it best when he wrote, "Two parties is only one more
than totalitarianism." |