defense of America
6 May 2005 - Orange County Register
reading the coverage
of Senator Dianne Feinstein’s Orange County speech Thursday,
I found myself overjoyed! She charged the girth of the federal budget
deficit and the massive foreign ownership of public debt with threatening
our national security and stated that "We are capitulating our independence
to other countries."
I am elated that our Honorable Senator from California is so jealously guarding the USA’s sovereignty and have nothing but support for her in that endeavor - I’ll cheer the loudest every time she seeks to defend our nation’s sovereignty.
I eagerly await the upcoming press conference in which she repudiates her oft-repeated goal of allowing the UN to dictate the firearm ownership rights of each and every American citizen. That is a threat to our national sovereignty even more dangerous than the trillions of dollars of foreign-owned debt she decried yesterday.